あ 愛と死をみつめて
い 緯度35度
う 美味い料理
え 駅伝
お お母さん
か 加古川
き 木
く 黒田庄牛
け けたたましい
こ 高齢社会
さ さらっとしてる
し しば桜
す 梳き櫛
せ せせらぎ
そ 空が広い
た 建物が古い
ち 遅刻魔
つ 釣り針
て テラ・ドーム
と 東経135度
な 夏は暑い
に 西脇市鹿野町
ぬ ぬぬ!ぬ~!西脇!
ね ねりけし食べようと思ったことある?
の のんびり
は 播州織
ひ 日時計の丘公園
ふ 不良が優しい
へ へそまんじゅう
ほ 蛍
ま 前田遺跡
み 皆やさしい
む 虫が屋内にいます
め めだか
も 森
や 山
ゆ 湯(へその湯)
よ ようこそ西脇☆
ら ラーメンは大橋ラーメンか八角がおすすめ
り 林業
る るるるるる~♪思わず鼻歌
れ レントン姉妹都市
ろ 路上駐車が多い
わ 私は西脇市を誇りに思います
を を~西脇☆
ん ん~西脇☆
I want to talk about my home town "Nishiwaki-City"!! It is so heartful city in Japan!!
(1)General description
This is Nishiwaki-city,in where I was born.
This is Nishiwaki-city,in where I was born.
It locates about center of Japan.
Concretely,East longitude 135 degree,North latitude 35 degree.
Nishiwaki is a crossing point by two lines,so we call our city "The navel of Japan".
We also have a "Navel Bun".
We also have a "Navel Bun".
It has 132,47square kilometer wide,and 44,270 people.
Population is not so overcrowded.
(2)Name-meaning of the place name
Long time ago,it located west by the big city.
So people started to say "Nishiwaki-City".
(3)History-a historical incident that took place in the place
My elementary school was rebuilt about 10 years ago.
My elementary school was rebuilt about 10 years ago.
Then,it is discovered a mark of old tower house when under construction.
(4)Local industry
Nishiwaki is famous for "Bansyuu-clothes".
Nishiwaki is famous for "Bansyuu-clothes".
It is our local traditional cloth.
To make this,we use some color of strings.
We do not use paints.
We have some festivals and event.
For example,cherry blossoms festival in April,,Navel festival in August.In this festival,our classmate made many clothes and walked on runway!They were so cute and cool!
They are very exciting!
Also,I love Bon Festival Dance!In the event,we can get Yakitori for free.
(6)Literature,art,music etc that originated from the place
Do you know "to-tasu matsumoto"?
He is a Japanese famous singer grown up here.
(7)Recreational activities people participate
We have an accommodation.Many people use this and make some memories.
Aroud there,it has many nature,so it may be good walking around,or play sports under the sun.
(8)Environmental problems
I think,it has less snowing than before in Nishiwaki.
In my childhood,we often made a snow-man.But now,it does not snow enough to making it.
Does it have some relationships with global warming?
Itsukushima shrine,Hiroshima,Japan☆
This is Itsukushima-shrine.It locates Hiroshima prefecture,in Japan.
I have never been to there,but I really want to go there.So I choiced it.
Its most famous point is the torii.This facility is built in the sea.So when we go there in flood tide,we can see it floated in the sea.It may be very mysterious.
Also,it has some problems.For example,because of global warming,surface of the sea rose up to the floor.It is also said that we can not see this facility in the future.
I want to see this,and I want everyone to see this.So we have to stop the global warming!
投稿 (Atom)